Apps, Technology

10 Facts About the TikTok App

TikTok is regarded as one of the fast-growing social media platforms across the globe. It is the second possible version for online sharing. This app is used to make small videos with filters, music and some other interesting features. This app can prove to be funny and cringey but it is addictive for sure. Let’s take a look at some interesting facts of this TikTok app and how it has a great impact on youngsters.

How Popular is TikTok App

TikTok began in September 2016 and within three years, it became so famous among the public. This app has 800 million active users across the world and this provides TikTok with the 9th position which is ahead of other famous social sites like Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Pinterest. The amazing point is that about 150 million Chinese people use TikTok daily and this app is also enthusiastically used by many other Asian countries like Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and so on.

Check out the TikTok Downloads

TikTok is one of the most downloaded apps in the world exceeding 1 to 1.5 billion downloads mark on the App Store as well as Google Play in the year 2019. According to the new TikTok statistics, this app was downloaded 614 million times from Jan to Nov in 2019 which shows a 6 % increase from year to year exceeding 2018’s total number of downloads.

TikTok – Most Downloaded By Apple App Store

As per Q1 2019, TikTok is mostly downloaded by Apple App Store showing 33 million downloads in one quarter. This app is ahead of the top four social media apps like Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, and Youtube. This app has the power to keep its current user base strong and also attract many new users.

How TikTok Attracts the Teens Most

TikTok is getting much famous among teens according to older generations. As per GlobalWebIndex 2019, 41% of the TikTok users are between 16 to 24 years of old. This app holds the topmost position among the youngsters because the app creators have made under 18 users as their target from the beginning and they also understand the preferences and habits of this age group which made them launch this app.

TikTok Usage by Nations

In 2019, most of the TikTok usage was found in Asia and more precisely in India. In November 2019, 277.6 million downloads were found in India which formed 45% of the total number of downloads in the whole year. There is 60% of total downloads in India which is followed by the USA and China with 45.5 million and 37.6 million downloads respectively.

Daily Time-Spending on TikTok

Around 52 minutes per day, people spend on this app which means they use this app either for making and sharing small videos or for checking out other videos uploaded to the platform. In this way, users are spending at least one hour daily on this app.

How Many Countries Have TikTok?

As from 2019, TikTok app is available across 155 nations. It is also accessible in 75 languages which cover most of the population. Most of the Western users of TikTok belonged to and the Eastern audience used a separate version called Douyin and they are also much popular. TikTok was fast-growing among Asian followers. In India, more than 20 million people use this app.

About Multiple Usage of TikTok App Daily

About 3 quarters of all apps are downloaded, used once and then completely forgotten. But TikTok comes under the remaining 1 quarter. About 90% of TikTok users access this app daily. As per the research on the behavior of TikTok users in one month, about 68% of people accessing TikTok watch other’s videos and 55% of TikTok users upload their own videos.

TikTok Usage by US Adults

Americans like to use TikTok and about 26.5 out of 500 million uses TikTok daily. This fact connects the number of TikTok downloads from both iOS and Android. As this app is famous among teens, the latest figures show a slight change in this trend. In the 3rd quarter of 2018, TikTok is used by US adults more consistently over the past few years. At the beginning of the 4th quarter of 2017, only 2.6 million US adults were using TikTok. But just after 12 months, this level increased to 7.2 million and finally reached 14.3 million.

Average Number of Watched Videos on TikTok

There were more than one million watched videos on TikTok every day in one year. This fact of TikTok proves that people should show attention to this social media site. This app began to grow when it received its rival in the year 2017. In this way, TikTok not only has taken a huge entry into the market but also met the market’s needs. Content and community played a big role in encouraging TikTok’s growth in a very short time.

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